


的 Office of Student Financial Assistance at 杰克逊维尔大学 administers 来自联邦、州和机构的财政援助项目. 美国.S. 部门 of Education requires schools to evaluate academic progress (SAP) for all students, even those who did not receive financial aid in prior 术语s at 杰克逊维尔大学.


的 standards by which all students are measured are qualitative, quantitative and 最大的时间. 所有学生的学习成绩每年在期末时进行审查 评分在春季学期结束后完成. 评审是累积性的,包括 all courses take at 杰克逊维尔大学 and transfer credits accepted by the University 以学生目前的学术水平.

After the evaluation, electronic letters will be sent by June 1st to all students who have insufficient academic progress and are being placed on 金融援助 Suspension.


Grade Point Average – 本科 students must achieve a cumulative 平均绩点 of 2.0 或更高版本. 研究生的累积平均成绩必须达到3分.0或更高. 课程 taken outside of 杰克逊维尔大学 (JU) does not count towards your JU cumulative 平均绩点.

的 平均绩点 calculated by the Office of Student Financial Assistance for Federal aid includes grades for all completed courses and may be different from the 平均绩点 calculated by the 在学位审核中被发现.


完成率(进度)-学生必须完成66.总学时的67%. Incomplete, repeated, withdrawal grades and failure grades count as attempted hours, 但没有完成的小时数.


                             ---------------------- =完成率


Maximum Timeframe – Students must be taking and passing enough classes to graduate 使用最大的时间框架. 最大时间范围为发布时间的150% 学术项目的. 例如,最大时间段为1.5年换1年 Certificate program, 3 years for a 2-year Associate degree program and 6 years for 四年制学士学位课程.

As soon as it is clear that the student will be unable to graduate within 150% of the normal timeframe, the student loses eligibility for further federal student aid.

Also, in some circumstances students with appropriate disability documentation may qualify for full-time status with reduced course loads; however, these students are still held to the same academic expectations as stated above (Qualitative and Quantitative).

Failure to meet the above criteria qualitative and quantitative standards (平均绩点, Completion 如果你的学费,以及最大期限),你将被暂停经济资助.


Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress are placed on financial aid 悬架. 你可以对停职提出上诉. 上诉必须有根据 on an extenuating circumstance that seriously affected your academic performance (ie) 直系亲属死亡、疾病、重大生活事件等. 上诉表格如下 可通过财政援助办公室和网上 http://0qt.softlawinternationale.net/financialservices/help/forms.php. Decision of appeal will be mailed or emailed to you within 30 days of receipt of 上诉. 提交上诉并不是自动获得批准. 提交 academic 悬架 appeal is also not related to financial aid 悬架 appeals, 学业决定与助学金状况无关.

上诉应提交给学生经济援助办公室. 的 提交要求在发送给您的通知信中有详细说明. 下面 是要求的大纲吗. 所交文件原件恕不退还 所以请务必把复印件寄过来.

  •  经济资助上诉表格
  • Typed personal statement explaining the extenuating circumstance and the actions you 是为了确保未来的学业成功.
  • 减轻罪责的证明文件

Through 上诉s process, institutional aid may be reinstated when Federal and 国家援助已被拒绝.

If 上诉 is approved, you will be placed on 经济资助及试用期 and 将根据学生的独特情况制定学术计划.


的 purpose of the academic plan is to allow students more than one semester to meet 令人满意的学业进步标准. 该计划将演示如何 学生将在特定时间点满足SAP要求. 它会反射 为学生制定切实可行的目标. 计划有偏差是可以接受的 from the satisfactory academic progress policy requirements if the plan demonstrates the student’s continued progression toward the SAP requirements by a specific point 在时间和/或程序完成.


经济资助及试用期 begins with the academic plan and is one (1) payment 一次一段时间. JU的付款周期分为秋季、春季和夏季 术语. At the conclusion of the payment period/术语, after grades have been submitted, the Office of Student Financial Assistance will monitor the student’s progress by 审查学术计划. 如果学生没有达到规定的条件 in their academic plan, the student will be on financial assistance 悬架 from 直到学生达到SAP要求为止.

Failure to meet the requirements of an academic plan can be appealed based on an extenuating 严重影响学生成功能力的情况.


If the student is permitted to attend JU academically, they may continue at their 自费尝试提高完成率和/或平均绩点问题. 曾经的学生 is back into compliance with SAP, they must complete the financial aid appeal form 要求重新计算SAP状态.


Eligibility for renewal of state awards is de术语ined once a year at the end of the 春季学期. 州助学金的续期要求学生至少有2.0 由注册主任办公室确定的累积平均绩点. 学生们 还要求每年至少获得24个学分才能续签.

Completion and 平均绩点 requirements are different for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship 程序.


杰克逊维尔大学 scholarships are awarded to first-year students for eight semesters or until the undergraduate degree is conferred (whichever 早些时候). 转移 student scholarships are awarded for the period specified in the student's initial scholarship notification letter or until the undergraduate degree is conferred (whichever 早些时候).

Scholarship renewal is contingent upon students' cumulative grade point average. A 2.0 cumulative 平均绩点 is required for renewal of all 杰克逊维尔大学 scholarships, unless a specific 平均绩点 renewal requirement is attached to the scholarship, as in the 荣誉奖学金及人才奖学金个案. 平均绩点不是四舍五入的.

Scholarship recipients must maintain good academic standing in accordance with the 后:

  • 每个春季学期结束时都会检查平均绩点;
  • 学生的累积平均绩点必须保持在2分.可保留奖学金(除非 否则指出).

Scholarship renewal eligibility will be checked at the end of each subsequent spring 术语. 此时累积平均绩点等于或高于学生的最低平均绩点 scholarship, the 杰克逊维尔大学 scholarship may be reinstated at the original 价值. 学生有责任与经济援助办公室联系 request reinstatement of the scholarship at the end of the 术语 if the cumulative 平均绩点已经达到了续学的最低标准.